I never knew that Decemember 1 was recognized as World Aids Day, to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education regarding a leading killer of black men and women. Many of those who are infected with the disease are unaware of their HIV status and may unknowingly transmit the virus to others. This is why it’s critical for us all to get educated, get tested, get treated and get involved!
Since 1981, more than 25 million people have died of AIDS and young people account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Additionally, AIDS is the leading cause of death of blacks between the ages of 25–44. If everyone were tested and treated regularly, according to a recent study by The Lancet, new HIV cases could be reduced by 95% within 10 years. Stopping AIDS is like learning your ABCs: Abstain, Be faithful and Condom use.
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